The Self Love Show
The Self Love Show is hosted by Dawn Light and Trish Wright, two Northern-California based professional love and relationship coaches. Each Thursday from 10-11 AM PST, they offer coaches, healers, therapists, and thought leaders the opportunity to discuss and share a transformative method, framework, tool, or exercise from their practice to assist people in their lives.
To stay updated with The Self Love Show, make sure to follow and subscribe:
✨ Dawn Light: linktr.ee/SparkYourInnerGold
✨ Trish Wright: trishwrightloves.com/trish-wright
✨ Facebook: facebook.com/SelfLoveShow
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/theselfloveshow
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/trishwrightlovesyou
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/sparkyourinnergold
✨ TikTok: tiktok.com/@theselfloveshow
✨ YouTube: youtube.com/@TheSelfLoveShow
✨ Merch Store: selfloveshow.com
✨ Contact: freedomoftheheartnow@gmail.com

Patricia Wright
Trish Wright is a vibrant, heart-centered life-lover! She has over 10 years of experience as a trauma-informed Self-Love, Codependency, and Certified Sex Coach.
She believes that cultivating a healthy connection with self and others will weave aliveness and sensuality in all areas of one's life. With the connection to the breath being most sensual; the most sacred.
Trish supports her community in developing skills of RADICAL ACCEPTANCE through practices of empathy, self-sourcing, and forgiveness. She understands that each one of us can learn to love our shadow and love more vastly by welcoming the shadows of others. Her current path is to empower people of all ages to take ownership of their perspective and live in their true sovereign choice while staying in deep connection.