The Self Love Show
The Self Love Show is hosted by Dawn Light and Trish Wright, two Northern-California based professional love and relationship coaches. Each Thursday from 10-11 AM PST, they offer coaches, healers, therapists, and thought leaders the opportunity to discuss and share a transformative method, framework, tool, or exercise from their practice to assist people in their lives.
To stay updated with The Self Love Show, make sure to follow and subscribe:
✨ Dawn Light: linktr.ee/SparkYourInnerGold
✨ Trish Wright: trishwrightloves.com/trish-wright
✨ Facebook: facebook.com/SelfLoveShow
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/theselfloveshow
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/trishwrightlovesyou
✨ Instagram: instagram.com/sparkyourinnergold
✨ TikTok: tiktok.com/@theselfloveshow
✨ YouTube: youtube.com/@TheSelfLoveShow
✨ Merch Store: selfloveshow.com
✨ Contact: freedomoftheheartnow@gmail.com
Leading with Self-Love with Lindsey Maza

Minding the Body with a Physical Therapist with Mari Hercher

A Guide to Recognizing Subtle and Covert Manipulations, Mind Control and Toxic People with Kim Peirano

The SHOW UP Framework: How to Nurture Your Preteens Potential with Marcus Aurelius Higgs

The Journey to Secure Attachment with Philippe Lewis

Light Body Consciousness with Adrienn Light

Finding the importance of Mental Health, Recovery and Resiliency through trauma and loss with Susan Snow
How to make Self-Honoring Choices when challenges arise with Dawn and Trish

"What if the Meaning of LIFE is to Love Ourselves Fully?" with Scott Catamas

Meeting your BFFITWWW with Leslie Lindsey Davis

My Journey From Trauma to find Resiliency with Susan Snow

Loving Myself out of Narcissistic Abuse with Dana S. Diaz

The Confidence Connection: An Overlooked Ingredient for Overcoming Addiction with Massimo Rigotti

Unstoppable You with Victoria Pelletier

It begins with our Mother with Ashleigh Sinclaire

Unconscious Relationship Dynamics with Melanie Trupp
Dating the Next Time Around with Elizabeth Lewis

Integrating Your Inner Saboteur To Fulfill Your Life's Work with Lisa Jeffs
The subtle, spiritual art of bragging about your business with Mark Silver

New way to use the principles of the love languages with Paul Zolman

The Power of Choice and Accessing our Heart’s Intuition with Alanna Levenson
Truth Bombs! How radical honesty will change your life! with Misty Laboy

Grounding and Reclaiming Energy with Aradia Sunseri
How To Use Self Love as a Fuel For Change with Khanyisa

The ABCs of Self Love with Melody Godfred