The Self Love Show
The Self Love Show is hosted by Dawn Light and Trish Wright, two Northern-California based professional love and relationship coaches. Each Thursday from 10-11 AM PST, they offer coaches, healers, therapists, and thought leaders the opportunity to discuss and share a transformative method, framework, tool, or exercise from their practice to assist people in their lives.
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The Self Love Show
Reassurance, Reassurance, Reassurance with Trish Wright
The importance of offering reassurance in relationships cannot be understated. Reassurance can come in many forms, from a kind word to a moment of shared understanding. So often in our fast-paced world, we forget to be generous with the attention and reassurance we offer the people important to us. The reality is that relationships need assurance and moments of recognition in order to thrive. The pleasure of being able to provide that support should not be underestimated as it's one of the greatest gifts you can give a loved one.
Reassuring your partner and loved ones brings a feeling of security and connection that is essential to healthy relationships. The world often creates an environment where we are not encouraged to be generous with our time, attention, and reassurance - particularly in the digital age. The truth is, if you want to develop meaningful connections, if you want to nurture strong relationships and grow positive bonds, then you need to be generous with your reassurance. Reach out, communicate often and make sure those people you care about feel seen, heard and appreciated. Ultimately the power of reinforcement can help build the trust required for healthy and collaborative interaction.
Trish Wright is a sex and relationship coach whose heart-centered approach prioritizes cultivating deeper intimate connections. She educates her clients on sex and relationships while providing insightful strategies to resolve conflicts and increase intimacy. She has been trained in various methods such as Holotropic Breathwork, Non-Violent Communication, BDSM, Conscious Erotic Sexual Practices, and Holistic Hypnosis. These tools have given her the extensive knowledge necessary to help her clients achieve their true potential for healthy sex education, sex coaching, and relationships. Through her work dispelling codependent and trauma bonds she equips individuals with the power to repattern old habits into empowered decisions. When it comes to sex coaching, Trish Wright is your go-to expert; visit to learn more about how she can help you transform your life!
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